Friday, November 8, 2013


There is an overload of resources about TCK's on the internet. It is sometimes hard to find what we are looking for. Here are just three helpful ones that I enjoy reading. The first one is specifically for parents who are trying to understand their TCK's and the second one is a website with many stories and encouraging videos. The third one is an online magazine for Third Culture Kids.

Here is a link written by a parent of TCK's. It is very touching and powerful. I hope it encourages TCK's to remember who they truly are and also supports parents with a little more insight on their children.

Rachel Pieh Jones

Here is another TCK website that is a great resource and encouragement. There are many links on the website to testimonies and real life experiences from interviews with TCK's.

*Sheryl O'Bryan

Here is a link to an online magazine for Third Culture Kids. It is extremely informational and a great tool in times of need.

*Denizen Magazine

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