Sunday, March 29, 2020

Together- Yet Alone

What a crazy time to be alive! We are together in this- yet so alone. 
I needed to be reminded that we are never alone though. We have each other more than ever. I don't think I've ever 'connected' online so well and so much with friends across the world at this time.

Worship. Worship is not just songs and music. It is an overall lifestyle choice. We can worship at every moment of our day. It is an attitude. An act from the heart. Music and song are so important during times like these- when we are all a lot quieter than normal. He gives us hope when hope is gone. This season sucks already, but remember perspective. It is okay to not be okay- like my last post on a God of all emotions. It is okay to feel completely alone. However, it is important to remember to be kind and gain perspective at this unusual time. Let worship through song overwhelm you as you are home.....

If you are sitting at home in quarantine bored out of your mind, craving for people, longing for community... or maybe you just lost your job and are wondering what on earth you are supposed to do to support your family and survive this year? or you are home in quarantine with 6 kids fighting over the WIFI access as they have to have a strong connection for their online school work and you are running from kid to kid helping as well as cooking, cleaning, and making sure everyone is safe and well...... We ALL need each other at this time. Be gentle in understanding each others circumstances and that we are all under different types of stress. We all long for connection no matter the circumstance. Now is not the time to compare. Now is not the time to be selfish.

We ALL need song. We ALL need community. We ALL need each other..... I've been reminded during this crazy season- that we need people. Fellowship is a human craving. We desire connection. I don't care if you are a natural introvert or extrovert. We desire community. Don't let this season of quiet rob you of joy and peace. Community is just going to look a whole lot different these next few months. We all have to accept that. We all have to still worship in the midst of it all. We may be together- yet alone right now but always remember the Lord is close to the broken-hearted. Perspective is so important during these days.... This uncertain season- This too shall pass. 

I love these songs because the lyrics are powerful. There is nothing better than Jesus. Jesus is working even when we can't see it or feel it. He is in control. He is with us. His peace is real. Let's lift up in song together- no matter how you feel- bring it all to Jesus. He calls us as we are. "Come", He says.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

A God of all emotions

So .... life has been crazy these past few days. Almost every email I receive has been a change in schedule, someone is leaving, or a student wanting to Google Hangout call due to anxiety and stress..... Schools across the world are struggling as leaders have to make big and hard decisions. Families across the world are wrestling with children at home and possibly unemployment. Through all this chaos in the world, God is still on the Throne. He is still Sovereign. He is still God.

God is also a God of all emotions though. It IS okay to be devastated, sad, hurt, confused, upset, angry. It's okay to be sad when people leave and goodbye parties can't happen. It's okay to not even know how you feel or be able to express the deep disappointment and sadness about a situation.  It's okay to be frustrated when doubt and fear overwhelm and the uncertainty of what is next overtakes. It's okay to be hurting and heart-broken for the sick, your family, your neighbors, your community, your school, your friends, the vulnerable, the elderly, your specific situation, for the world..... Those are feelings the Lord gave you. It's how we react to these sudden horrible things in our lives right now that is the testament. Whom shall we fear?

I am definitely someone who cries. When I was little, I used to cry if I spilled my milk by accident, or dropped a plate. As I grew older, I cried about friends quarreling or being disappointed about something. Recently, I can literally cry for NO reason at all some days. Haha.

In times of crisis, we need to remember that emotions are good. Crying is normal. Be gracious to yourself during chaos and trouble. Emotions- They show we care. They show we hurt. They show we are human. Fear, however, is from the devil. Don't allow it to overtake. Emotions- Above all, they show we need Jesus. We need God. We can't do this alone. It's impossible. With God, ALL things. ALL emotions, are possible.

Romans 8:26-27
"In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. 27 And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God."

I am grateful the Spirit helps me with my weakness. It's hard not being selfish right now. I hope we can all unite together in our sadness to help each other and encourage. Not to ruin more and to cause more hurt. I pray we can be gentle during this time of crisis. I pray we can be gentle to our emotions and how different they are at this time. I pray we can be gentle to ourselves too. We have a God of all emotions. He holds us. He holds our world. Whom shall we fear? What shall we fear?

A God of all emotions. Thank you God. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

In moments like these ......

I hope to be writing some shorter blog posts throughout this social-distancing and teaching online season we are all going through. So, if you are interested in following along- PLEASE save my blogspot site and read as I post new posts......

I was reminded today of an old song my mom used to sing in worship services at church: In Moments Like These. The lyrics are copied below:

"In moments like these I sing out a song
I sing out a love song to Jesus
In moments like these I lift up my hands
I lift up my hands to the Lord
Singing I love You, Lord
Singing I love You, Lord
Singing I love You, Lord
I love You"

Even though I know this season isn't just a moment, I hope this song can bring peace to your soul. I know it feels like a never-ending uncertainty right now about what could or will happen. At times when uncertainty and uncharted waters become reality, as believers, we need to cling onto Jesus even more. We need to lift up our Hands and sing praises. We need to declare His love. We need to shine His light among the nations. We need to seek Him. We need to look to Him instead of the news we read or listen to.

I've been through many unknown seasons in my life. Every time I face an unknown, I tend to panic and fall into my sinful human nature and try to figure things out on my own. I tend to isolate myself from those I love the most. I tend to seek everything and anything else instead of God's truth and wisdom found in His Word. Why? I keep learning the SAME lesson. Over and over and over again.
I need MORE Jesus....... Less Sumi.

I hope during this uncertain and probably disappointment after disappointment filled season- we can unite together as believers across the world and seek Jesus. Look to Him for grace each day. Look to Him as the news gets more terrifying. Look to Jesus. He holds the world. He holds our nations. He holds our families and loved ones. He holds your heart. He really is in control amidst the sorrow and madness. In the storm, He is peace. Let Peace overwhelm YOU this season.

Will you trust Him in moments like these?