Sunday, March 17, 2019

All my ways

Is your soul busy? Is your soul burdened by the weight of "too much"? 
Well, I hope through these words the Lord sheds some light on You and reveals to you His peace.

Recently, my heart has been burdened by a lot. I have realized I have taken things on my own shoulders and not allowed the Lord to be in charge. Suffering is a true thing. We all go through it and fail to notice the beauty amidst the ashes. I am learning to trust Him each day and know that He is always working, mending, and healing. I've been reading a book titled "Be Still My Soul" by Elisabeth Elliot. This section really spoke to me- She writes:

"Our perspective is so limited. We keep forgetting that God's love does not show itself only in protection from suffering. It is of a different nature altogether. His love does not hate tragedy. It never denies reality. It stands firm in the teeth of suffering. The Love of God did not protect His own Son from death on a cross. That was the proof of His Love, though 'legions of angels' might have rescued Him. He will not necessarily protect us - not from anything it takes to make us more like Jesus. A lot of hammering and chiseling and purifying by fire will have to go into the process. Through it all, we learn to trust Him in every little thing. Sometimes the deepest level of trust has the appearance of doing nothing. This does not go down well with our busy souls." 

I am learning to trust Him each day and know that all my ways are known to Him. He knows my every thought and need. He sustains me. He provides all I need. He is enough. He is everything. He is LOVE. He is there through the suffering. He walks beside us through it. Allow Him to help. Don't push Him away. Remember that our perspective is so limited. We forget the power, might, and goodness of God's great Love.

Living in Cambodia is a constant adventure. We've had internet issues, power outages, water shortages, hot temperatures, and high humidity. The devil enjoys sprinkling doubt everywhere he goes. He will try anything he can to make me suffer. He will fill my mind with fear and with questions like: "Can I live here much longer?" "No water- WHAT? I can't do it any longer" "Do I have a friend here?" "Am I making any kind of difference in the lives of my students?" "Does anyone see me?" "Do I matter in my community?" "This place doesn't need me" "Wow- look at what that teacher is doing- I am nothing compared to that"

These questions and doubts are a waste of time and negative. They taunt and tug at my heart. I need to remind myself that all my ways are His. He has such a beautiful plan ahead. So many people live in such worse circumstances than I do. I need to STOP letting my mind trick me. I need to just wait and see. Look what God has done so far..... He is faithful. He will remain faithful.

I am learning to expect the unexpected. There are days I think to myself, "Wow, I made it home alive!" The traffic is unpredictable and frustrations arise daily from unexpected events. However, I'm forever grateful for the little things when they come up. I am grateful for my home. I am grateful for the wonderful people that surround me. I am grateful for this place of unexpected-ness because it teaches me to cling to Him every moment. It makes me realize ALL MY WAYS are known to Him. I need to rely on Him and not control my own life. I need to rest in Him and give my burdens, fears, and frustrations to Him. He carries pain. He carries the darkness and brings light......such beautiful Light. Let Him be your Hope and Light. 

This doesn't mean I can't be frustrated or annoyed when things don't work out. This doesn't mean I need to pretend when I'm in pain. This doesn't mean I need to be happy when all I want to do is cry.
However, it does mean...... I need to lay my burdens at His feet. It does mean.... I need to give Him my pain. It does mean...... I need to allow His peace and true joy to soak and cover me. I need to boldly ask Him to help. Jesus, we need YOU.  

So even if your soul is busy and burdened.... GIVE every fear, frustration, and worry to Jesus. Let Him carry the weight for You. You are never alone in it. He is watching over you.
Stop carrying your own bags of doubt and fear. Let Jesus be in control. Let Jesus be the guide.

All OUR ways are known to Him! Wow! What a beautiful God we serve.