I've been challenged recently with a lot of things. Struggling to really see myself the way God does. Struggling to balance this season of my life- teacher and student life- full of waiting and unknowns.
I've been asking God many questions and knocking quite loudly as I continue to seek Him. I know if I keep knocking- He'll open- in His perfect timing and will. I can't give up..... He always knows best!
I keep coming back to the verses in Colossians 3:1-3, which says, "Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God."
What a powerful section here. "Set your hearts on things above.....set your minds on things above."
We so easily let the world tell us how to respond to situations. We let the world decide for us how to view ourselves. We let circumstances rob us of joy. We let others opinions and views shatter us. We let words hurt. We let comparison kill. We let regret eat us up. We let negativity and grumbling win. We let the devil have a little dance party as we sulk and sit in self-pity.
I'm learning to RESET. I'm learning to declare and affirm out loud the Name of Jesus. It is powerful when negative thoughts or words bubble to the surface. There is such power in His Name. We need to not be afraid to call upon Him- everyday.
I'm also learning to take my worries and grumblings and turn them into prayers instead. This helps me set my focus on Jesus. It helps me set my heart and mind on what matters in this life- my relationship with Him. I'm learning to RESET. We believe so many lies about ourselves. STOP the cycle of negativity.
Fix your eyes on Jesus. He will carry you through anything. Believe in what Jesus says about you.
YOU are fearfully and wonderfully made.
YOU are precious.
YOU are chosen.
YOU are His beloved.
YOU are forgiven.
YOU are set apart.
YOU are part of His workmanship.
YOU are free!
YOU are His!
I was sorting through an old box of letters and found a precious card from an old friend. I hope this can encourage someone as much as it reminded me that our identity belongs to Christ. We are His. We are His precious children.
A section of the letter said:
Jesus says, "I won't let you fall, don't worry. I've always been here to hold you up, to guide and protect you, and I'll always be here. I'm not aeons away out in space; I'm in YOU. Yes, I hold your right hand, but I also hold your heart. If I'm in you that means by your choice, you can fuse your thoughts with Mine. Your dreams, your passions, your longings are not separate from Mine, when we are one. Today, I want you to transcend from the worldly grip on your life that comes and goes like a fly beating at the window. Be fixed to Me and we'll fly together to your Divine destination."
and call upon: JESUS. Let's believe the things He says about us.....
I've been asking God many questions and knocking quite loudly as I continue to seek Him. I know if I keep knocking- He'll open- in His perfect timing and will. I can't give up..... He always knows best!
I keep coming back to the verses in Colossians 3:1-3, which says, "Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God."
What a powerful section here. "Set your hearts on things above.....set your minds on things above."
We so easily let the world tell us how to respond to situations. We let the world decide for us how to view ourselves. We let circumstances rob us of joy. We let others opinions and views shatter us. We let words hurt. We let comparison kill. We let regret eat us up. We let negativity and grumbling win. We let the devil have a little dance party as we sulk and sit in self-pity.
I'm learning to RESET. I'm learning to declare and affirm out loud the Name of Jesus. It is powerful when negative thoughts or words bubble to the surface. There is such power in His Name. We need to not be afraid to call upon Him- everyday.
I'm also learning to take my worries and grumblings and turn them into prayers instead. This helps me set my focus on Jesus. It helps me set my heart and mind on what matters in this life- my relationship with Him. I'm learning to RESET. We believe so many lies about ourselves. STOP the cycle of negativity.
Fix your eyes on Jesus. He will carry you through anything. Believe in what Jesus says about you.
YOU are fearfully and wonderfully made.
YOU are precious.
YOU are chosen.
YOU are His beloved.
YOU are forgiven.
YOU are set apart.
YOU are part of His workmanship.
YOU are free!
YOU are His!
I was sorting through an old box of letters and found a precious card from an old friend. I hope this can encourage someone as much as it reminded me that our identity belongs to Christ. We are His. We are His precious children.
A section of the letter said:
Jesus says, "I won't let you fall, don't worry. I've always been here to hold you up, to guide and protect you, and I'll always be here. I'm not aeons away out in space; I'm in YOU. Yes, I hold your right hand, but I also hold your heart. If I'm in you that means by your choice, you can fuse your thoughts with Mine. Your dreams, your passions, your longings are not separate from Mine, when we are one. Today, I want you to transcend from the worldly grip on your life that comes and goes like a fly beating at the window. Be fixed to Me and we'll fly together to your Divine destination."
and call upon: JESUS. Let's believe the things He says about us.....