God helped me. The year 2017 has flown by. I can't believe I have lived in Cambodia for most of it. I escaped the heat in the summer for my brother's wedding and got to visit with dear college friends. So much has happened this year. I've traveled across oceans. I've taught precious children. I've grown to love Asia more every day. I've made new friends. I've grown in my faith as I've struggled with anxiety and my identity. There have been great transitions for my family too- my parents moving and now living in Holland. My brother getting married. God has helped me. God has helped me enjoy this year and realize I need to constantly call out to Him for help. This life isn't easy, yet He always provides just what we need. I'm happy to be here in Den Haag right now with my whole family ending the year together.
This year has been a shock to my system as I've realized my lack of taking care of myself. Health issues have come up one after the other. However, the Lord has continued to remind me of His faithfulness in my life. He has given me all the support I need through His Word, His still small voice, and through others. Sometimes I'm overwhelmed just thinking of how He mapped the way for me to be in the family I'm in. Tears begin to form in my eyes. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you. I have made such incredible friends in Phnom Penh. They have helped me. He is King and I am His daughter. That will never change. He will never change. As we look into 2018...... I want to remind you to continue to cling to His promises. Cling to His faithfulness. He is faithful.
The Lord is so full of Grace. He knows just how much we can take. There are days that may feel like more than we can imagine or bear or handle.... but during those days, weeks, and months, He wants us to reach out for Him even more. He freely gives us his Grace. He wants us to ask Him for help. He never expects us to do this life alone. Yes, I'm single and am reminded of it every day, however, the Lord calms my restless heart. He gives me Grace. He continues to transform my mind and fill me with His Love. We are complete in Him. He has a perfect plan for the future. I need to learn to fix my eyes on Jesus. Every day. No one else can satisfy. We sing lyrics like that on Sunday. Do we truly mean them? I hope this new year, I can be reminded daily that the Lord is full of Grace. That He fully satisfies every craving of my heart. How amazing is that! Thank you Jesus.
Thankfulness. Gratitude. I get easily overwhelmed by how far the Lord has brought me. From not thinking I'd graduate high school and crying during German homework to being accepted into Grad School and full-time teaching now for over 2 years..... Wow! We really can do ALL things through Christ who gives us strength. The Lord always knows best. He carries us in the Palm of His mighty Hand and guides our ever step. We just need to trust Him. We need to spend time listening to Him. We need to spend time in His Word.
Below is one of my favorite songs. God has helped. We will continue to help. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
I'm excited for 2018 and all that will unfold. The best is yet to come!
Isaiah 43:19
"See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland."