Friday, November 11, 2016

Thriving Through Transition

I've been in Cambodia for almost a full four months. My last post was a few days before school began and before I met my students. Well, I've taught now for about 13 weeks. Wow! What a beautiful adventure. I'm currently on mid-term break and get one week off before the full stretch till Christmas vacation. 

I have 18 students in my Grade 4 classroom. I'm enjoying getting to know each of their characters and academic abilities. It is an extremely diverse class. I have students 'from' (their passport countries or nationalities of their parents) America, Holland, Cambodia, Australia, New Zealand, Britain, Philippines, India, Korea, Malaysia, and Denmark. I love being able to teach students from all over the world! Serving here is amazing. Growing up with similar stories to these kids is an added bonus. We all enjoy each others stories and grow closer to Jesus together as a class. I never knew what to expect to be teaching at a Christian school. I am honored to get the opportunity to minister to students and build them up in Christ. Teaching with a Christ-centered focus is a blessing. The discussion is meaningful. Also, working at a place where I help support families to stay together as they are on the mission field is a powerful reminder of God's working hand in my life. I'm here for a reason. 

I still have days of wondering if I'm up for this challenge of teaching. Then, I remember that His grace is sufficient and He enables the weak to be strong. During orientation here a session was done on surviving and thriving in Cambodia. I absolutely love living here in Cambodia. The simplicity of life. The walk or bike ride to the market where things are so cheap. The bike ride to school where I pass smiling children yelling, "Hello!" and buffaloes and cows. There is a lot of adventure here too. You have to be flexible and spontaneous all the time. What an exciting life! For example, the mice chasing in my kitchen, the multiple days of soaked laundry due to storms or the drenched me due to storms! :) I've enjoyed living here, but have used the practical tips from that session on surviving and thriving in regard to teaching. I believe I have not just been surviving. I have already been thriving. One of the best parts of being a teacher, in my opinion, is being rewarded when a kid has a "light bulb moment" and he/she gets it! Another best part is when I have an in-depth conversation about real life or get to support a child through prayer. Having these experiences everyday is incredible.

I need to remind myself, however, of baby steps. Baby Steps. Transition takes time. No matter how many times one relocates or changes job, transition doesn't become 'easier'. Just like saying goodbye never gets easier either. I had a student ask me last week if I'd be leaving him soon. He said, "Ms. Sumi, are you leaving in a few months? Every time I get to know a teacher and really enjoy having them- they decide to leave. It's really hard." Goodbyes are never easy.
Settling into a new curriculum is a slow, gradual process. I am so eager to see what else the Lord has in store here as I continue to serve Him and teach my students, build relationships, and connect with Khmer people, staff, and families.
I've been blessed to coach the girls basketball teams. The middle school season just ended and the girls improved so much. The high school season just began and what a joy it has been to see them grow already in such a few short weeks.

I've been reading the book of Joshua and am reminded of how faithful the Lord is to us. His promises never fail. He promises to be with us wherever we go and asks us to be bold, strong, and courageous people. The Lord promises to do amazing things with us and His plans for us. We just need to keep waiting and seeking His face.

Life is never what I expect it to be like. I've never seriously dealt with people placing me in boxes or categories they think they have figured out. Yes, I'm a TCK, an MK, a Pastor's Kid, an international, a multicultural, a single, a teacher, a supposed introvert......... the list goes on. These are all labels. We all have our own and we all use them for ourselves at times. I hope to shine Jesus beyond what others label me as. Beyond what I have labelled myself as. I hope to shine through the walls that I put up for myself. I hope to shine HIM at all times. No matter the circumstance or my emotions or what others think of me. He is the reason I sing, the reason I get up each morning, the reason I do what I do with all of my heart. Thank you Jesus for saving me. For choosing me as Your very own. I'm so in awe of how He placed me into this family. My own family and His greater Family. His Love and Grace enables me to thrive through any transition. He is a faithful Father and a Best Friend. 

Focusing on Jesus allows us to thrive through any obstacle or transition we are faced with. Our burden becomes light as we put Him first and allow Him to carry us through it all. 

PRAISE and PRAYER points:
1. Praise Jesus for His ever-present help as I teach
2. Praises for a wonderful housing situation with great housemates!
3. Pray for a restful and productive mid-term break for students and staff
4. Pray for my students as they continue to learn and seek Jesus
5. Pray for strength and grace as work gets busy and can be overwhelming
6. Pray I can learn to ask for help and support when I need it
7. Prayers for school funding, management decisions, and atmosphere

I leave you with this verse:
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." - Joshua 1:9 

One of my friends and colleagues, Ashley!
The local Market where I buy all this yummy fruit! 

My bike ride to school everyday. The road school is off of. Rainy season flooding 
Sesame Noodle Restaurant! Yummy noodle salad :)
City view from a rooftop swimming pool

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Jesus Calls

This picture, taken by a best friend back in Rochester, perfectly describes how I feel about moving to Cambodia.
My personality may sometimes scream quiet and introverted, but my heart is passionate and ......... (look at picture!)

Jesus Calls. He calls us to listen and follow His path for our lives. It's so difficult to know what that can be though. I've found the joy in stepping out and seeing which doors open through prayer. The unknown is a risky place though. But the best stuff happens in those places. Saying goodbye to friends and family was difficult. I'm used to goodbyes. They are part of my life, but this one was hard. It was hard because my heart was so full of comfort and I was comfortable. I loved my staff family at the inner city school I was working at. I loved the community I was a part of there. I loved Rochester, New York and finally called it another home. I loved my comfortable apartment and roommate. I loved having a car and driving to Wegmans. 😉 I loved comfortable. That was when I realized God has a better plan ahead for this season in my life. I never really had comfortable before. Although, I loved it, I was ready for change. I was beginning to get incredibly restless. Just like any Third Culture Kid, I was ready to move and pack up my bags. I was ready for new. Yes, I loved comfortable and was hoping to settle down for a while. But Jesus Calls. He calls us all at different seasons in our lives. I still hope to settle down one day, but this season (I don't know how long it'll be) He is calling me here and for this I am grateful!

Jesus Calls. I have an Asian heart and I knew He'd pull me to come back. Where? How? When? WHAT??? :) God works in amazing ways and following Him has been the best journey ever. Getting off the last plane of the long trip over at Phnom Penh airport, I already felt a sense of peace. I knew this new nation would soon be called home. Walking towards the exit door I took a deep breath and tried to look for people I had never met before (quite easy when you're looking for the only foreigners around!)

It didn't take long to feel at home! I've been here two weeks and the picture above describes how I feel. Thank you Jesus for calling us away from comfortable. Away from easy. Jesus Calls us to follow Him. I don't know the future, but what I do know and fully believe in is His faithfulness and Love for us. He never ceases to amaze me. He never ceases to fulfill His promises. I am never alone on this journey called life. Cambodia is beautiful! I haven't even seen much of it yet, but the few places I have- WOW! The people are hospitable, respectful, loving and full of smiles. And yes, there will be ups and downs along the way, but I know I'm supposed to be here for such a time as this. Jesus Calls.

HOPE international school is breathtaking. The campus is beautiful and I get the honor of teaching Year 4. School begins on Wednesday, August 10th. I have been preparing lessons, organizing folders, and making bulletin boards. I'm so excited to meet the kids and their families so soon. The most beautiful thing about working at a place like HOPE are the people. I've only been here two weeks and can truly say I've found family. My housemates are wonderful ladies! Being invited everywhere for dinner and gatherings to play games or watch movies has been fun. Once again, Jesus calls. And where He calls He goes before and with. I have powerfully felt that during this move here.

I've moved many times in my life. This time was different. God is faithful and He answers prayers. I prayed for a place I could minister to others and grow in Christ myself. I prayed for Asia. I prayed for getting involved with kids and young adults. God just amazes me. He answered all the prayers all at once! I never really knew where I wanted to go or what I wanted to be. Even though I was uncertain, I listened to His still small voice calling me here to Cambodia and to HOPE. When Jesus Calls- Go!

The past two weeks have been cultural training, get to know you gatherings (otherwise known as bonding times), ice-breaker games, and teacher-curriculum training. I've met a lot of people, I've learned a lot of things, and I've soaked in all the advice I can possibly hold in as a new teacher. I am ready for this school year and all that it brings. Having to play games where I needed to pick which culture I called home was entertaining for me. I would stand up and say I'm originally Indian with Dutch and American parents, but from Rochester, NY. Then, an hour later I'd go sit with the Indian group during the "sit with the culture you call most home" activity feeling slightly confused. Haha. God has a sense of humor!! This all made me realize how lucky and blessed I am. What a LIFE! Thank you Jesus. Life isn't comfortable. It's not supposed to be. Jesus Calls us to step out. Wherever and however that may be for you.

Those of you reading this that support me prayerfully and/or financially- Bless you and THANK YOU for making this all happen! If you would like to know more about how to support me and in what areas, I would be happy to get in touch. Email me at or private message me on Fb. Blessings to all who have invested in my life. What a beautiful journey I get to call my own. Jesus is still Calling. He's not finished with any of us yet. I can't wait to see all that's in store!

Prayer Points:

1. First week of school! :) AH!
2. For this nation of Cambodia and its beautiful hardworking people.
3. For my relationships here between students, staff, families, and my housemates (Fiona and Kath!)
4. For SAFETY and protection. (The streets are crazy here. I bike to school and back everyday)
5. The boldness to ask for help when and if I need it- if that may be for teaching purposes or spiritual
6. Prayer for health! (The change from cold Up State NY to extreme heat and mosquitoes is a lot.)
7. A continued sense of peace and belonging here as the academic school year begins.
8. A support buddy/prayer partner/church fellowship I can find/ be a part of consistently.

Thank you for reading! With love from Cambodia <3
P.S. Come visit me :)

Below are some pictures of home, school, and the city.
View from my rooftop! My house looks similar
HOPE School 

Main eating area at School
Central Market Inside Jewelry Bazaar
Beautiful Khmer Architecture  

Tuesday, June 14, 2016


I haven't posted since January. Well, that proves I've been teaching this year. Never a spare moment to blog. I officially have 4 more days left. Time flies. The last post I wrote was about how God isn't finished yet. He certainly is not.

Uprooted. Pull up. Displace. To move. Uprooted was one of the words of the week last week in my classroom. It made me think. Think about all the times I've been pulled up and moved. God is never finished with His perfect story for us. I am always eager to see His next page in my book, yet so restless and exhausted from change. As I prepare to move to Cambodia, I wrestle with thoughts of pure joy and nervousness. Shouldn't this be easy for you? Haven't you moved so many times before? I mean, you're going back to Asia? People ask me. The questions ring in my ears like bees. Why isn't it easy then, Lord?

Change is never easy. If we wished upon it ourselves or made the decision for ourselves. It's still challenging. Uprooted. Yes, I'm being uprooted again. I have to start again. I have to make new friends. I have to learn to fall in love with a new city. I have to learn a new language. Everything will change. And to think I finally feel at 'home' in ROC. I finally know my way around and have the best church family, coworkers, friends, and roommate. I could not ask for anything more or better. Uprooted. Why now? Being uprooted will never be easy. But it will always be fulfilling. Change happens, to all of us, but His love is constant and He is always the same yesterday, today and forever.

I'm being uprooted. But I'm ROOTED in Christ. We will never be shaken. I remember lying in bed as a 12 year old, on my first night of boarding school in India, and tears running down my face crying out to Him about how I was supposed to do this. His presence is so real. I was urged to open my Bible to Psalm 16:8 which says:

"I keep my eyes always on the Lord.
    With Him at my right hand, I will not be shaken."

Those words have stuck with me throughout the ups and downs. He made me get out of my comfort zone. He made me learn to speak up. He gave me courage and faith to believe in myself. I struggle with believing I'm good enough. Maybe you do too. I've found such joy in knowing that He calls us His children. He sent His Son to die for us. We are more than good enough in His eyes. Who cares what this world tells you. This world will fade. He stands firm and constant. His dream for YOU is so much bigger than anything you have dreamed up for yourself. Trust in Him and know YOU are safe in His arms and we will not be shaken. Yes, there will be many days we feel uprooted. Displaced. Petrified. Alone. 
But He is greater than it all. He is a Good Father and He takes care of His children. Never once has He let me down. 

Dwelling on the next month and its chaos I am at peace, because I know I will not be shaken. Does it mean it's easy? No. Does it mean I have it all together? No. Does it mean I'm good at saying goodbye? No. It means I know where my roots are. I know I am ROOTED in a firm Rock and Foundation. Jesus Christ. I will not fear. I will just follow Him. Every time I've decided to follow Him, I'm grateful for all He gives me and blesses me with. This month won't be easy, but His mercies are new every morning. And I'm ROOTED in Christ.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

God isn't finished yet

Have you ever thought to yourself: Is this it?

Well, I have. The ache of loneliness is so real. But why? I mean, I have the world's best friends, I have a family that loves me, I have a bed, a roof over my head, a full fridge, a job others wished they had...... and the list could go on. Yet I feel alone. It's moments like these I realize how easy it is to stray off onto the wrong path. I realize how much of a sinner I am, but that no matter what He loves. I don't deserve anything He willingly blesses me with. He'll continually pour the blesses into my life. I am so overwhelmed by His grace and compassion.

If you know what I'm talking about- you know. There are times in life that come so unexpected. I never thought I would be where I am today or doing what I am today. God sees the big picture. We see only the moment we are in. Nothing is impossible for Him. Our Savior is fighting for us, holding this world in His hands, yet we fear and we doubt. Yes, there are times my heart aches, until I realize what He has done for me. Then, I am filled with unspeakable joy and overwhelming gratitude.

We are never alone. And yes, this may feel like it's it, but He's got more in store each day and He always knows best. Keep leaning on Him. He is our Rock and Savior. I have grown closer to my Savior through the darkest moments and the lonely times. I believe in fellowship and the power of the Body and the Church, however, I also believe the importance in a relationship with Christ that does not depend on others or depend on circumstances of life. When we are weak, He is strong in us.

I have learned that HE truly is enough for me. Asking the "Is this it?" question proves how weak I am. He is more than enough. Life throws us curve balls and my hope for more than this may remain, but my love for my Savior will never be faint. We can count on Him. Always. 

If you are hoping for more- trust Him. He knows much better than any of our wildest dreams.

Have patience, God isn't finished yet.