HOLD ON- He knows what He's doing.
In the midst of chaos, Jesus is my Helper. My best friend. My Savior, Deliverer, Comforter, King. My Dad, my Healer. Are you barely holding on? Are you struggling through your days trying to see His love for you? Are you at the end of your rope? Is nothing going your way, by your plans or dreams or hopes?
HOLD ON- He knows what He's doing.
Why is it so hard to believe that God knows best? And that His ways are better than we could ever imagine.
It is easy to talk about and tell our friends we believe that all things work for the good and that God knows the plan and walks ahead of us......... but when it comes down to it- we ponder all the questions listed above multiple times.
HOLD ON- He knows what He's doing.
Christ is enough for us. He is our everything. He is all we need. Imagine if all you had left was Jesus- Would you still say these words? Do you believe that He is enough for you?
HOLD ON- He knows what He's doing in you, through you, and to you.
In the midst of chaos, Jesus is my Helper. My best friend. My Savior, Deliverer, Comforter, King. My Dad, my Healer. Are you barely holding on? Are you struggling through your days trying to see His love for you? Are you at the end of your rope? Is nothing going your way, by your plans or dreams or hopes?
HOLD ON- He knows what He's doing.
Why is it so hard to believe that God knows best? And that His ways are better than we could ever imagine.
It is easy to talk about and tell our friends we believe that all things work for the good and that God knows the plan and walks ahead of us......... but when it comes down to it- we ponder all the questions listed above multiple times.
HOLD ON- He knows what He's doing.
I have realized the power behind this statement. Believing that God's promises are true and that they are being accomplished day after day is miraculous. He really does know what He is doing. All the time.
I look back through the years of disappointments and trial and can see His faithfulness stream through. Every time I'd call on Him- He'd come. He would fill me up again. And I believe that WITH HIM all things are possible.
HOLD ON-He knows what He's doing.
HOLD ON-He knows what He's doing.
I am so in awe of His grace in my life I am overwhelmed. I am overwhelmed by His love for me. All my questions and worries and days of being on edge and wondering why I'm where I am........ If I look up to Him, He's right there. He's been behind and gone before and knows all that is to come. Believe that promise. I get days of great hurt and pain- when I think of the places I have had to leave behind, and the millions of goodbyes I've had to say, and the unknown future ahead...... but when I think of all that God has done through me and in me- I am overwhelmed by His greatness. I am satisfied in His presence. When we call on His name, He is listening. Call out to Jesus. Speak His name. He is coming to rescue you.
HOLD ON- He knows what He's doing.
These last few weeks I have felt like my rope is almost out. My patience is running thin, my love is running out, and my motivation is disappearing. Distractions get in the way, excuses are made, and confusion and chaos seems to win. I have been reminded that Jesus is my Helper. He will get me through and that I can ask Him to fill me up again. I can receive love and patience and grace from Him. I just need to ask. I challenge you this week to HOLD ON. Hold onto Jesus. With everything in you. With ALL of you.
He knows what He's doing. TRUST Him. Let go of all control and the pain from the past and the worries of the future........ Let Him lead and guide. Give your burdens to Him. He has already won. Be satisfied in Him and Him alone. He loves us no matter what.
He knows what He's doing. TRUST Him. Let go of all control and the pain from the past and the worries of the future........ Let Him lead and guide. Give your burdens to Him. He has already won. Be satisfied in Him and Him alone. He loves us no matter what.
Christ is enough for us. He is our everything. He is all we need. Imagine if all you had left was Jesus- Would you still say these words? Do you believe that He is enough for you?
HOLD ON- He knows what He's doing in you, through you, and to you.